Quick No Fail Fruit Loaf

Not a fan of recipes that require butter and sugar to be creamed?  You'll like this fruit loaf then.  I adapted the recipe to suit me from one I found online.  The first adaptation actually came about when I forgot to add the egg.  The loaf came out perfectly therefore probably didn't need the egg in the first place.  I also added cinnamon and vanilla essence just because I like them.

So just in case you ask:

Place 200gm sugar, 400gm mixed dried fruit (or sultanas, etc), 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 100gm margarine (or butter) and 250ml milk in a saucepan and bring to the boil.  Take off the heat and leave to cool for about 10-15 mins.  Add to this 250gm self-raising flour and a teaspoon or two of cinnamon.  Quickly fold together (if your boiled mixture is still warm it will froth up - it still bakes well so don't be too alarmed) and pour into a lined loaf tin.  Bake at 160C until cooked through - approx 30-40 mins (I'm a terrible time keeper btw)

Tastes delicious warm or cold.


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