Early Birthday Gifts...

We had a family dinner last night to celebrate my birthday.  It's not until Sunday but because Mum works weekends we (well she) decided we'd have dinner Thursday night instead.  Roast chook and veges followed by desert.  I wasn't expecting much this year because I said I didn't need anything.  I did mention that I saw some tins at Kmart that I quite liked and thought would brighten up my kitchen but Mum said she couldn't find them.

Elijah helped me open my presents and I got a huge surprise when he unwrapped a new camera!  Yay!  I have been wanting a new camera for ages and Mum knew that I liked hers so now I have one identical.

My fam bam - two younger sisters and my Mum (I do have a younger brother also) They all have crooked smiles but I can't laugh because...
I have one too!
Using the timer to capture some random poses in our pjs...
and loving the macro feature...
if only Elijah would keep still long enough for me to get a clear picture
and surprise - Mum managed to get the tins I was after :D

I can't believe I'm almost 33 - it only seems like yesterday I was in high school!  Although some days I feel like I'm trapped in an 80 year old body, there is nothing like a birthday to get you motivated again.


  1. Happy birthday for sunday, how cool that your mum got you a new camera! Hope you have a great weekend :-)

  2. Happy Birthday!! So happy you got so spoilt! you deserve it :)

  3. Awesome tins! Happy happy birthday :)

  4. Happy birthday for sunday!! That must make you a fellow virgoean :)

  5. Happy Birthday girl!! I know, I know I am turning 30 this year in Nov. and REALLY. REALLY don't feel it!

  6. Happy birthday for sunday. Am loving those red tins.
    You are still a spring chicken! Im about to turn 40 and not sure how thats happened!

  7. Wahoooo it's Philosophers birthday on Sunday tooooo
    Have a great day however you choose to celebrate


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