Childhood is... (includes linky)

I almost forgot to write my post until I saw Megan's post!

Why don't you join in?  It can be just a special photo of an ordinary everyday thing, it can be a story from your own childhood or a video clip of your child/ren doing something you're proud of.  You don't need to write a new post, you can link an earlier post if you wish.

So this week with the Winter sun streaming in the lounge window we had a chance to have a go at shadow play.

Can you guess what this is?

 Elijah had a lot of fun - best of all it was free and we didn't have to leave the house!


  1. great idea with the shadow play- I used to love doing that when we were kids :)

  2. O's to hot here in Holland......i can't believe it's cold by you !! what a lovely post today !!....enjoy your Ria.......

  3. I LOVE those photos Kelly! Awesome! I've just linked up... an old post from last year (I think??) of a game I play with my daughter. It's so cool having little "in jokes" or special games with each one...


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