Thrifty Thursday...

I hadn't planned to op shop this week BUT it's such a beautiful day out - how could I not?

Hmm doesn't look so impressive but there are two double sheets that I though I might turn into curtains for the spare/sewing room.

There must be something I could use this for - I thought Elijah might like the car on it so maybe for his pencils???

Probably the only piece of Crown Lynn I'll ever own but I love the flowers

I think they'll make pretty curtains

I ♥ Little Golden Books!

and although this needs a good scrub, I promised myself I would buy if it was still there (I first spotted it two weeks ago)

So that was my child free time - now it's almost time for kindy pickup!  Those two hours always seem to go so fast!


  1. Those sheets are so cool, knew I should have gone out this morning like I planned LOL. Beautiful little plate, I really love the flower on it.

  2. Oh, I'm in love with that tray! Not that I need any more, but that green is sumptuous! What good scores, bet you're glad you went!

  3. oh that crown lynn plate is so beaufiful!

  4. Great Crown Lynn find!
    And i love the sheets!

  5. I stopped into an op shop that is near h's school and it was crap - nothing good there at all :(
    Don't make me come and visit you just so you can take me to the good op shops!!!!

  6. :( Mel - was that a really poky one? We went to one not far from you and I felt like I was walking into someone's shed!

  7. It's on Jutland road - really small and dingy.

  8. cool tray!! and I remember owning that Hansel and Gretel golden book!


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