Upcycled Jeans...

Just a quick post while I wait for lunch to arrive - Chicken Biriyani apparently.

Last night, for some reason, I decided to attack an old pair of jeans.  I only had a pair of Elijah's jeans as a guide, but I did manage to turn out a pair of jeans that fit properly and the way he likes - loose around his tummy!  I have sewn them so they can fray around the waist and the pockets.  But never again!  I can't say I really like sewing with denim much and if I did ever decide to try again then I would buy a pattern!  Elijah is more than happy with these ones though.


  1. LOL demin sucks to work with!! I remember turning my jeans into flares as a teenager, and I broke 4 of mums machine needles...


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